The Ultimate Intercooler Kit for your EcoBoost Mustang!

When it comes to modifying your Ecoboost Mustang, the plethora of options can be overwhelming. At Parker Performance, we understand the trials and errors enthusiasts face because we've been there, done that, and learned from it all. Our commitment to the mantra "For Enthusiasts, By Enthusiasts" ensures that our recommendations are based on experience, not just profit. In this guide, we share our wealth of knowledge, presenting the top five modifications for the Ecoboost Mustang, with a special spotlight on our game-changing Parker Performance Tornado Kit.

A standout in our recommended modifications is the Parker Performance Tornado Exhale Kit. In the pursuit of perfection, we've left no stone unturned. Let's dive into the components that make this kit an unrivaled force, bringing together top-tier quality, performance, and unbeatable value.

1. CV Fabrications Race Core Intercooler ($559.99): The cornerstone of the Parker Performance Tornado Kit, the CVFab Race Core Intercooler, priced at $559.99, is a testament to engineering excellence. Crafted by CV Fabrications, this intercooler stands at the forefront, delivering a symphony of efficient and powerful cooling for your S550 EcoBoost Mustang. By reducing the intake temperature, it optimizes the combustion process, allowing your Mustang to unleash more power with each exhilarating drive. 

2. CV Fabrications Charge Pipes w/ Turbosmart Race Port fitting ($254.99): The CVFab Charge Pipes, paired with the Turbosmart Race Port fitting, form a dynamic duo. Precision-engineered for seamless compatibility, these components maximize airflow and turbo efficiency. The CVFab Charge Pipes are designed with efficiency in mind, providing a smooth passage for the air as it travels through the system. This unrestricted airflow allows your EcoBoost engine to breathe freely, unlocking its full potential.

.3. Turbosmart Race Port BOV (Black) ($279.95): Dressed in sleek black, the Turbosmart Race Port BOV not only adds a touch of style but also provides precise and rapid response, ensuring your EcoBoost Mustang breathes with authority. Performance is not just about power; it's about precision. The Turbosmart Race Port BOV delivers both. Engineered for precise and rapid response, it ensures that excess boost is efficiently vented, maintaining optimal pressure levels and safeguarding your turbocharger for long-lasting performance.

4. Turbosmart Boost Reference Adapter ($44.95): The Turbosmart Boost Reference Adapter is the unsung hero, maintaining optimal boost levels for peak performance. This small yet crucial component ensures the entire system operates in perfect harmony. In the world of performance upgrades, the Turbosmart Boost Reference Adapter may not grab the spotlight, but its contribution is immeasurable. As part of the Tornado Kit, it silently enhances the performance of your EcoBoost Mustang, embodying the dedication to excellence that defines Parker Performance

5. Parker Performance Hard Line BOV Kit ($44.99): Crafted by enthusiasts for enthusiasts, the Parker Performance Hard Line BOV Kit adds durability and a touch of finesse to the Tornado Kit. The Hard Line BOV Kit ensures a robust and reliable connection, minimizing the risk of leaks or malfunctions. This reliability contributes to the overall longevity of your Tornado Kit, allowing you to enjoy the enhanced performance for years to come.

6. Parker Performance Test Plug Kit ($49.99): Completing the ensemble is the Parker Performance Test Plug Kit, a versatile addition for testing and fine-tuning. This kit provides the flexibility needed to tailor your EcoBoost Mustang's performance to your exact specifications.

Total Value: $1,234.86

The Parker Performance Tornado Kit isn't just a collection of parts; it's a meticulously curated symphony of components designed to elevate your S550 EcoBoost Mustang. With a total value of $1,234.86, this kit represents not just a cost but an investment in power, precision, and driving excellence. Embrace the synergy of these components, and experience a new era of performance that only Parker Performance can deliver.

Trust is earned, and at Parker Performance, it's the cornerstone of our reputation. We've not only tried and tested numerous products but also broken a fair share along the way. Our honesty, transparency, and genuine passion for enhancing the Ecoboost Mustang driving experience make us a reliable source for enthusiasts looking to make informed decisions.

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Parker Performance es una tienda especializada en el Mustang S550 local, ubicada en New Port Richey, FL (a unos 30 minutos de Tampa y Clearwater). Como expertos en el Mustang S550, hemos probado, instalado y probado casi todos los productos y todas las configuraciones. Permítanos utilizar nuestra experiencia para ayudarle a ahorrar energía, tiempo y dinero guiándole en la compra de las piezas correctas para su EcoBoost Mustang, Mustang GT, GT350 y más. Parker Performance: ¡para entusiastas, por entusiastas!